CSR and Environmental
Garthwest as a business recognises the need to trade in a socially responsible manner. We have been based in the same community for over 50 years and are mindful of the impact we have both: on our own staff and the wider local economy.
Internal processes
Garthwest has a series of policies including: Ethical Policy, Environmental Policy, Health & Safety Policy, Heavy Metals Policy, Approved Supplier List and others. These policies are controlled by document and communicated to key staff. These policies govern our business practices to ensure we are acting in socially responsible and environmentally friendly way. However we are always striving to improve our performance and integrate best practice into our business.

We have several initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment such as encouraging efficient use of transport and recycling all our production waste
We have timer systems on lights in all production areas and have had a recent £150K investment in solar panels to provide carbon free energy for some of our production processes. Our main supplier, who we part own, plans to install an anaerobic digester plant in 2017. This will be the first corrugator operation in Europe to be powered in this way.
Platform Initiative
Platform was founded by Lindsay West our Joint MD. Its mission was to encourage young entrepreneurs in the creative technology sector. With the ambitious goal of building this part of the tech economy in our region. Since it has been running platform has helped create multiple SME tech companies and well over 100 jobs in the region.