7 Common Challenges to Overcome When Choosing Product Packaging

With budgets, shipping arrangements and environmental consequences to consider, choosing the best packaging for your product provokes several challenges. Alongside any practical concerns, organisations must acknowledge their customers’ needs, paying attention to the lasting impact of their packaging. 

Striking packaging design can elevate your brand by encouraging repeat customers and inspiring new audiences. However, designing the perfect packaging isn’t without its complications.

1. Cost

With economic turbulence stirring feelings of worry in the UK and beyond, businesses must find a balance between cost and functionality when designing packaging. Though inflation continues to rise, by improving transport efficiency, using less material and carefully planning, you can help to cut costs and maintain superior packaging standards. 

Selecting a packaging supplier with agile manufacturing processes and innovative solutions will help to keep costs down and improve packaging design; contact the team at Garthwest for effective packaging solutions.

2. Sustainability

Consumer concern for the environment and climate change intensifies each year. As a result, global organisations are converting to sustainable packaging solutions to allow their customers to feel good about their reduced carbon footprint – and to promote positive environmental change.

3. Branding

Packaging conveys a brand’s unique image and message, so organisations must find a design that aligns with their overall branding strategy. Branded packaging is a powerful tool to add value to every customer interaction, applying a sense of value and quality to every package. 

Here at Garthwest, our in-house design team consider your values, ethos and personality before creating tailored packaging solutions for your brand.

4. Functionality

Ultimately, packaging must protect and preserve your product in transit. In 2022, 20% of online shoppers received damaged or broken goods, meaning that unoptimised packaging failed to protect products during the supply chain. 

When a product’s specific requirements are considered during the packaging design process, businesses can prevent the delivery of damaged goods to reduce return rates and improve customer experience.

5. Transportation and Storage

Review your product’s lifecycle from the warehouse shelf to your customer’s doorstep, considering how your package will be transported and stored along the way. Keep this journey in mind during the packaging design process, ensuring that your boxes are secure enough to withstand the rigours of transportation.

6. Legal and Safety Requirements

From nutritional information to warning labels, brands may need to comply with various legal and safety regulations when distributing their product. 

When you work alongside a certified packaging supplier like Garthwest, you’ll be guided through this process, confirming that your product is secure and legitimate before sending it out for delivery. 

7. Competition

Is your packaging unlike anything else on the market? Creating unique product packaging is the perfect way to enhance your brand identity. Differentiate yourself from others and allow your product to shine on the shelves with impactful design. 

Choose Garthwest for Your Product Packaging Needs

With numerous challenges to overcome when choosing the best product packaging, why not consult the professionals at Garthwest for a helping hand? 

Our passion for innovation and dynamic manufacturing processes will help to enhance your brand’s offering, generating effective packaging solutions designed to attract your audience. Contact the expert team at Garthwest for more information.