In-store Marketing: The Final Competitive Advantage

Location. Location. Location.

Where to invest; where to market; where to sell? Those are all questions we ask ourselves before rolling up our sleeves to create the most effective and efficient marketing strategy for our business. But often we find ourselves in a conundrum where selecting the most appropriate marketing tool becomes a challenge, especially when budget restrictions are applied. So how do we choose wisely?

Most will opt for an integrated marketing campaign, using several marketing communication tools in the hope to successfully reach target audiences. But what needs to be remembered is that businesses nowadays are operating in a remarkably competitive market, and therefore the need to differentiate marketing efforts is highly vital.

As a result, when the matter comes to designing an integrated marketing campaign, in-store marketing and point of sale material should be at the top of your list! When implemented as part of an integrated marketing campaign, in-store marketing can complement other marketing tools utilised and further add appeal and flair to the products being promoted.

Did you know that 70% of shopper decisions are made in store? That’s right, in-store marketing can guarantee to create additional sales from customers who had no intention of purchasing certain merchandise before it was brought to their attention inside the store.

Point of Sale Material Can Help You By:

  • Improving the product as well as the brand’s presence on the shelf in the store.
  • Elevating the brand’s equity in the eyes of the customer.
  • Generating a return on investment and an incremental sales lift.

5 Reasons to Fire Up Your In-store Marketing:

  1. Prompt recall. As human beings, our memory is far more likely to recall an item upon seeing it again and again in the store.
  2. Introduce new products to the market. Products that have never been heard of are rarely capable of luring people into the store, but within the store, such products can certainly attract attention through their overall appeal, feel or smell, depending on the product category.
  3. Promote sales items. In-store marketing has always thrived at rendering any promotions prominent to the customer and encouraging last minute impulse purchases by the counter.
  4. Provide more information. Communicating important product information to your customers through attractive display units, plasma screens or even floor stickers can help persuade them to make purchases.
  5. Competitive advantage. Not only will in-store marketing aid you in gaining a competitive advantage, but will further serve to attract consumer attention, entertain and inform, facilitate a consumer’s product examination and selection, and stimulate unexpected expenditures.

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By utilising a number of communication tools, including in-store marketing, point of sale material, sales promotions, and even personal selling, you are constantly attempting to encourage and influence the consumers’ buying decision. However, it is important to carefully manage your in-store marketing in order to make certain that consumers, as well as retailers, will see clear consistency and coordination in the marketing programs, as opposed to contradiction and confusion.

Point of sale material can be a highly valuable marketing tool, but they require meticulous planning if they are to assist in longstanding brand building. Too often consumers are bombarded with point of purchase material that simply confuses them. This is why the subtlety of the marketing activities and the choice of displays naturally need to match the style, ambiance and tone of your store. So why not contact our friendly and expert team here at Garthwest who would be happy to help you with your in-store marketing needs?