What Is Eco-Friendly Packaging & Why Is It Important?

Packaging is everywhere. It protects, preserves and enhances a product, acting as a vessel for safe transportation and an effective marketing tool. However, the unfortunate truth is that one-fifth of waste in the UK is made up of packaging which is commonly unrecyclable.

From materials to processes, organisations of all sizes are switching to environmentally friendly packaging solutions – but why is it important? With the growing impact of plastic pollution across the globe, certain types of packaging can cause a serious impact on the environment in every stage of its production.

It’s time for industries to reduce, if not completely eliminate plastic use, choosing eco-friendly packaging solutions to protect our planet and attract sustainably minded consumers.

What Is Eco-Friendly Packaging?

From reusable to recyclable or biodegradable packaging, it’s important for businesses to truly understand what is meant by environmentally friendly packaging. By definition, eco-friendly packaging is any packaging that is easy to recycle, made from recycled materials and is safe for individuals and the environment.

Using materials and manufacturing practices with minimal impact on energy consumption and natural resources is known as eco-friendly practice, aiming to eliminate the use of toxic materials and lessen the amount of product packaging in landfill.

Here at Garthwest, we promote and celebrate the use of eco-friendly packaging by sourcing our raw material from like-minded suppliers and creating sturdy, stylish and sustainable packaging using corrugated cardboard – one of the most recyclable materials on Earth. One of our key suppliers uses food waste to power their factory and manufacture the cardboard that we convert in beautiful packaging for our customers.

Why Is Eco-Friendly Packaging Important?

From plastic labels to plastic lids, 79% of all plastic produced in the last 70 years has been thrown away and left unrecycled. If organisations, retailers and individuals don’t take action against this, plastic pollution will continue to threaten our marine wildlife and contaminate our food chain beyond repair. 

Switching to eco-friendly packaging is one of the most viable solutions to minimise this problem, without needing to sacrifice packaging performance or aesthetics. 

We are in the midst of a new era in which sustainably based brands, values and attitudes are driving buying decisions. Therefore, not only is environmentally friendly packaging a huge step forward in terms of being green but it’s also become an enormous selling point for brands in all sectors. 

Implementing Eco-Friendly Packaging

Begin with the material that your packaging is currently made from; if it’s made from glass, biodegradable plastic, paper or cardboard, then your packaging is already on the way to being environmentally friendly. 

From labels to lids, ethical sourcing and the use of materials can make a huge impact on the sustainability of your business. Consider lightweight packaging materials to both alleviate shipping costs and reduce the amount of packaging your customer needs to dispose of. 

Many businesses just like yours are exploring the possibilities of recyclable packaging, finding the versatility and durability of corrugated cardboard an undeniable improvement. 

If you’re looking to switch to recyclable packaging but have concerns regarding the performance, cost or scale of the project, contact the dedicated team at Garthwest for environmentally friendly packaging solutions.