5 Things Your Shelf-Ready Packaging Must Do!

Shelf and Retail ready packaging has been a major revolution in getting products from A to B in the last 20 years. While making sure they look great at point B! However brands are still making simple mistakes with this common type of packaging. This can have a massive effect on bottom line profits from lost sales and increased costs of the packaging.
Packaging and its Sustainability

Packaging is ubiquitous in our society. We use it for protecting, packing, shipping, labelling and advertising. When we consider the abundance of formats and designs available, it is quite right that we should have concerns about sustainability and the environment. Unfortunately, it is these initial concerns which have perpetuated a negative dialogue on our industry for more than two decades.
Garthwest’s Tech Start-Up, ViSR, Exhibits at CES in Las Vegas!

Undoubtedly 2016 was a great year for Gartwhest, but 2017 looks set to be even better! We can’t be more thrilled about waking up in the UK’s City of Culture for every day in 2017. We also have got to celebrate the success of our sister company ViSR VR already. They started the year with a bang, exhibiting at the most famous global consumer electronics and consumer technology show, CES in Las Vegas, accompanied by Lindsay West, Joint MD of Garthwest and co-founder of ViSR VR.
In-store Marketing: The Final Competitive Advantage

Where to invest; where to market; where to sell? Those are all questions we ask ourselves before rolling up our sleeves to create the most effective and efficient marketing strategy for our business. But often we find ourselves in a conundrum where selecting the most appropriate marketing tool becomes a challenge, especially when budget restrictions are applied. So how do we choose wisely?