Garthwest’s Tech Start-Up, ViSR, Exhibits at CES in Las Vegas!

Undoubtedly 2016 was a great year for Gartwhest, but 2017 looks set to be even better!

We can’t be more thrilled about waking up in the UK’s City of Culture for every day in 2017. We also have got to celebrate the success of our sister company ViSR VR already. They started the year with a bang, exhibiting at the most famous global consumer electronics and consumer technology show, CES in Las Vegas, accompanied by Lindsay West, Joint MD of Garthwest and co-founder of ViSR VR.

CES is a launch pad for new innovation and technology that changes the world. Held every year in Las Vegas, it is the world’s gathering place for all those who contribute to the business of consumer technologies. It is where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace, hence this was the best place for the team at ViSR to showcase a new revolutionary product – the HEX camera.

The HEX camera is a 360° camera designed and built by team ViSR- from content creators for content creators. HEX has a touch screen, six lenses, and matching 2k resolution sensors. As there are few displays available with higher than 4k resolution, HEX photos and videos are downrezzed to 4k.  However, they are higher quality than the ones produced by many other cameras because HEX’s photos and videos are effectively supersampled from 12k.

This camera will allow content creators to achieve better quality content on more affordable price as the HEX, while not available yet for purchase, will be under $1,000. HEX will be available for purchase later in 2017.

Garthwest is an official vendor for ViSRs VR content services, we use our marketing and supply chain expertise to use VR to have a bottom line impact for our customers. You can talk to the team at Garthwest about VR here or find out more about VR at Garthwest here.