Corrugated Cardboard Cocktail Bar

A local tech company contacted us just before Christmas with a rather unusual request. They needed us to help them anticipate and reduce the impact of their employees’ January blues coming back to work after the Christmas break.

Image result for january blues

The initial brief consisted of a request to our design team to create a few different structures that could be displayed around the office to cheer their employees up. The initial ideas were revolved around creating cardboard cut-outs of characters from employees’ favourite films. Another idea was to create amusing masks or cardboard heads so that each team member has their own head they wear.

However, digging further into the enquiring company’s culture, employees preferences and so on our team found out that the company had recently established ‘Beer Friday’, wherein employees received free drinks every Friday afternoon, aimed towards boosting teams’ morale and helping to build trust among colleagues, providing a space for employees to let off steam and relate to those they work with on a social level, rather than a professional one.

Image result for beer fridays emploees

Immediately, our team recognised this as the ‘eureka’ moment and that they could create something that will make these ‘Beer Fridays’ during January even better and more fun. One of our senior designers swiftly sketched a bar… yes… a corrugated cardboard cocktail bar!

In just a few days, we supplied our client with a visual of a fully developed concept of the bar in terms of structure, artwork design and the add-ons that could be included, such as lights, a glass counter and the illusion of neon lights using clever artwork.#

Impressed by our creativity and in-dept expertise of assessing customers’ needs that led to the right solution for their case, the client requested 3 cocktail bars. The first one was to be used on the last Friday before the Christmas break to get their employees into the Festive Spirit and the other two were to be set and ready for the return after the break, fighting the teams’ January blues.

All our team loved working on this project and creating the right solution for the client.

If you have a challenging project like this, our team would love to hear from you and help, get in touch.