Start-Up Beauty Brand: New Product Packaging Design

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, a young entrepreneur got in touch with our team and shared her idea with us of launching an e-commerce beauty business, looking to build her brand and sell beauty tools and accessories. Projects like this always brighten up our day, but this project was even more exciting considering the current circumstances and our client enthusiasm and drive to succeed, even in a pandemic. Our client was looking for a sustainable packaging solution that not only reflects her brand, but truly helps to look after the environment too, her slogan could not say it better – ‘Look after yourself, look after the planet with Kogu’.

Abbie was looking for sustainable packaging design that looks premium and is made only from eco-friendly materials, offering rigidity and protection to the products, ensuring as safe a journey as possible to her customers, considering their size and fragility. As a start-up business, our client was aiming to achieve her goals in a sustainable and cost-efficient manner, where the idea was to use the same box to fit across different beauty tools whilst keeping the consistent look of her packaging.

Trusting our design studio expertise, our client brought in all her product and we discussed a few style options, deciding that creating a lid and base concept in a particular depth will deliver the premium look that she was after. Additionally, looking into the most suitable material, our client decided to use Kraft paper and to benefit from our FCS certification, she’d asked for her packaging to be FSC certified in line with her sustainable approach and branding. We discussed her branding appearance on the box and what print would be most suitable to deliver her logo at its best.

Taking the time to go though all the products, their sizes and shapes, one of our senior designers created an easy to assemble, die cut lid and base, that accommodates all the products, utilising every millimetre of the box and making sure there is no dead space or waste, delivering the sophisticated look that our client desired. Furthermore, our designer created clever inserts for each single tool and accessory that goes into the box and keeps the product secured and neatly in place, enhancing the protection in transit from inside the box too. Just to complete the look and feel, we produced fully printed mock-up for our customer to review and try……no doubt Abbie was thrilled by the results.

With another happy customer on board, we have processed her order and delivered her packaging just in time for her website and brand launch, enabling her to kick start her business with a punch.

If you are looking to promote your product or sharpen its presence in the market, there’s no better place to start but looking into the most suitable packaging design that reflects your brand and proposition.

Get in touch, we would love to help you.