What Is Eco-Friendly Packaging & Why Is It Important?

Packaging is everywhere. It protects, preserves and enhances a product, acting as a vessel for safe transportation and an effective marketing tool. However, the unfortunate truth is that one-fifth of waste in the UK is made up of packaging which is commonly unrecyclable. From materials to processes, organisations of all sizes are switching to environmentally […]

5 Packaging Trends to Look Out for in 2023

Packaging is forever evolving to keep up with our changing world and consumer habits. However, the value of quality packaging is not always recognised. A well-designed package has a positive impact on consumers, making them more likely to purchase again and share your brand. In the world of eCommerce and social media, a sharing chain […]

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a POS Design

custom pos displays

POS or Point of Sale displays are a key tool in driving sales and increasing brand awareness. The psychology of how they work is based around triggering a response to a perceived need in your customer and creating an impulse buy. Custom POS also introduce or reminds customers of your brand identity. Such an important […]

Garthwest: Frequently Asked Questions

packaging faqs

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions we receive about our cardboard packaging services, POS Design and print solutions. Is everything you wanted to know answered? If not, contact us and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Why ‘Saving’ on Packaging Could Cost Your Business Money

Why ‘Saving’ on Packaging Could Cost Your Business Money

Everyone is trying to save money – looking to see where costs can be reduced and profits maximised. For many businesses, packaging may seem an obvious place to start; however, this isn’t as straightforward as it may first appear; in fact it could be a costly mistake.  When it comes to making any sort of change to business […]

Supporting the Switch to Sustainable Packaging

sustainable cardboard packaging

The idea of reducing, reusing and recycling has never felt more important or more urgent. During the two years of on-and-off lockdowns due to the pandemic, people across the globe were given a rare opportunity to experience a world without constant pollution, where flora and fauna thrived. Of course, the ‘new normal’ has yet to […]

Are you HFSS Retail Ready?

Retail is changing, but will it affect you? Have you heard about the upcoming HFSS (High in Fat, Sugar, Salt) legislation coming into effect in Quarter 4 of 2022? They’re considered to be the most substantial in-store changes seen in decades. According to analysts at Barclays Capital, food brands with high levels of exposure to […]

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: How to Nail Your E-commerce Packaging!

In today’s ever growing world of e-commerce and online shopping, the demand for reliable, durable and innovative packaging grows day after day. Online retailers realised that packing and shipping is no longer a simple task. Nowadays consumers are hungry for not just their desired item, but for the whole shopping experience even for the. It starts from easily browsing  the website, through the simplicity of the payment methods provided, to tracking, receiving and unboxing their purchase.

Why Choose FSC® Certified Packaging?

As a lucky customer of Garthwest, you always have the option of choosing environmentally friendly solutions. We can offer FSC®-certified packaging, and we help our customers to analyse and optimise their packaging requirements so that it matches their brand and values.

5 Packaging Trends in 2021

With the unusual year we had in 2020 and continuing into the new year, packaging trends have evolved massively to keep up with our changing world and shifting consumer buying habits.