5 Packaging Trends in 2021

With the unusual year we had in 2020 and continuing into the new year, packaging trends have evolved massively to keep up with our changing world and shifting consumer buying habits.
5 Challenges To Face For a Successful Brexit

The United Kingdom left the EU on the 31st January 2020 and entered the transition period. This is due to end on the 31st December 2020. From the 1st January 2021 new rules in terms of import, export, tax and border control come into effect. Negotiations on the trade of goods and movement of people […]
The Unboxing Experience

Packages that tell your brand’s story can enhance the user experience and bring them back for more. Run a search for “unboxing” on Google and you’ll find over 2 million YouTube videos of people sharing their unique unboxing experiences.
Be The #EarlyBird This Year!

Whether you’d like to call it the presentation case, gift box, selection or sample pack, its uses are endless. With a secure and convenient fold-over lid and sealing flaps, this case, that comes in any custom size you require, makes for the perfect solution to drive your online sales. It can be designed with a fitment insert to sit your products in snugly and fully printed.
What Does Your Packaging Communicate About Your Brand & Product?

Today’s consumers across the globe are more visually focused than ever before. With the continuing rise of e-commerce and the importance of imagery, building a strong product presence becomes a necessity to the success of a brand and its product, where an impactful first impression could be the difference between a product succeeding or failing […]
How We Are Helping to Keep Schools Safe

Schools and their students have undoubtedly been facing a difficult and uncertain time throughout the pandemic, since it took over our world and transformed our ‘normal’, as we’ve grown to know it. As schools are preparing to reopen their doors in September and welcome back their students, their pupils’ safety and protection is at the top of their priorities.
Cardboard, Chaos and Creating a New Normal.

We thought it was just the stuff of science fiction and movies depicting a dystopian vision of the future, a pandemic hits us hard and renders us paralysed as it rages across the world … a couple of hours in a cinema eating popcorn and giving us something to think about as we have a […]
How to Protect Your Workforce On Their Return to Work

It has now been several months since the UK and the rest of the world has been faced with COVID-19 and has had to learn ways to deal with it, research how to prevent it and learn to live with this life-threatening virus. Many countries around the globe, including the UK, implemented a variety of […]
3 Ways to Improving Your Product Shipping Times: Postal & E-commerce Packaging

Postal & E-commerce packaging have been on the rise for a while since many businesses offer a convenient delivery service directly to consumers’ doors. However, now more than ever, various organisations need postal packaging due to the COVID-19 outbreak, where businesses are encouraged to deliver their products to households in order to help their customers […]
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

As of 17/03/2020, following the most current Government advice and development around the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we would like to update you and all our customers on the steps Garthwest are taking to help minimise the spread of COVID-19 and to secure our supply of packaging.Garthwest is very grateful to confirm that we’ve experienced no cases […]